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Pengurus Yayasan Pendidikan dan Pembinaan Umat AL FATH
Pendiri dan Badan Pembina :
1. Drs. H. Paisal Kamal
2. Ny. Hj. Diah

Badan Pengawas :
Ny. Hj. Laily Syukrani, SH.

Badan Pengurus :
Ketua : Irvan Noormansyah, BA(Hons), MA, PhD.
Sekretaris Umum : Ir. H. Nurhikmawan Abdi, MT.
Sekretaris : Yudi Rahman, ST, MM.
Bendahara : 
drg. Hj. Astri Ikrami Putri, MM.
Profil Ketua Yayasan
Irvan Noormansyah, 30 years old. He hold a BA (Hons) in Accounting and a M.A. in International Business from Wolverhampton University, England, UK, and a Ph.D. in Management Accounting from Sheffield Hallam University, England, UK. A lecturer in Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia (STEI) Rawamangun, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Agama Islam (STAI) Tiara, and Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Islam (STEI) Tiara in Jakarta; a Director of Development in Yayasan Pendidikan Fatahillah Jakarta (YPFJ); a Reviewer of “Jurnal Ekonomi” in STIE Indonesia; and a chairman of Al-Fath Foundation in Cibinong – Bogor, West Java. He was also a Chairman of Marketing Team for STIE Indonesia. If you have any questions don’t be hesitated to send him an email to vanzai@gmail.com.

1. Noormansyah, I. (2004), Issues in privatisation practices, Jurnal Ekonomi STEI, No.3/Th. XIII/25/Juli – September 2004, pp. 13 – 23, ISSN: 0854-0985
2. Noormansyah, I. (2005), Cross-border merger in the motor industry: A case study of the merger between Daimler-Benz and Chrysler Corporation, Jurnal Ekonomi STEI, No.1/Th. XIV/28/Januari-Maret 2005, pp. 59 – 72, ISSN: 0854-0985
3. Management Controls in Family-Owned businesses (FOBs): A Case Study of an Indonesian Family-Owned University, (Jointly with Dr. M Tsamenyi of the University of Birmingham and Dr. Shahzad Uddin of The University of Essex), Accounting Forum (Australia), Vol. 32 (2008), page 62-74.
4. Studies in Management Accounting Control Systems in Less Developed Countries, Jurnal Akuntansi dan Manajemen, Vol.19, Agustus 2008.

1. Management controls in Family Own Businesses: a case study of an Indonesian family-owned university, was presented in the Critical Perspectives Accounting Conference, New York, 28–30 April 2005. (Jointly with Dr. M Tsamenyi of the University of Sheffield and Dr. Shahzad Uddin of The University of Essex). Available at http://aux.zicklin.baruch.cuny.edu/cpa2005/.
2. Strategic analysis in a higher education institution: from the perspective of the Senior High School students’, was presented in the Marketing Strategic of the Indonesian School of Economic Conference, Jakarta, 27 April 2007.

1. Change in management accounting control systems: a case of reforms in Indonesian state universities (Jointly with Dr. M Tsamenyi of the University of Birmingham and Prof. John Cullen of the Sheffield Hallam University).
2. Intra-organisational power relation in management accounting practices: a case of two Indonesian large universities (jointly with Dr. M. Tsamenyi of the University of Birmingham).
3. Management accounting control systems in privatized companies: the case of Indonesia.
4. Research of management control systems in higher education institutions (Has been submitted to Jurnal Akuntansi dan Auditing Indonesia).
5. Strategic analysis in a higher education institution: from the perspective of the Senior High School students’.

1. Association of Indonesian Governing Body of Private Higher Education (Asosiasi Badan Penyelenggara Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Indonesia / Asosiasi BPPTSI), Jakarta, Indonesia – Public Relation.
2. Indonesia Association of British Alumni (IABA) – Member.
3. Indonesian Lecturer Association (Asosiasi Dosen Indonesia), Jakarta, Indonesia – Member.
4. Indonesian Student Association/Indonesian Society in Sheffield, England, United Kingdom. General Secretary (1 Year), Member (1 Year), Vice President for External Affairs (1 Year), Indonesian Student Representative for Sheffield Hallam University (2 Years).
5. Indonesian Student and Society Association in Birmingham, United Kingdom – Member (4 Years), Data Manager for members and alumni (1 Year), Indonesian Student Representative for the University of Wolverhampton (3 Years).
6. Indonesian Moslem Student and Family in Birmingham, United Kingdom-Treasurer (1 Year).